Do you want to be part of the Gamer Passport Alpha Release?

3 min readAug 1, 2022


Itheum’s Gamer Passport aims to transform this Web 3 .0 gaming world by empowering gamers to truly control and own their gaming data. For the first time in history, Itheum is allowing your gaming data to become a highly tradable asset class.

In light of our recent Alpha Program announcement, we want to clarify a few things for you.

The Gamer Passport Alpha Program has been introduced to give you, our wonderful community, the chance to be among the first users to receive your very own Gamer Passport.

Exciting right?

How to become part of the Alpha Program:

In order to make this a success and have the most significant chance to be chosen for a Gamer Passport, you must:

  1. Join the Itheum discord. ( )
  2. Select your gamer role in discord under the channel “ITHEUM PLAYGROUND → Gamer Discussion”.
  3. Show interest in obtaining a gamer passport to the Community managers.
  4. Participate in the gaming channels and discussions.
  5. Once approved the gamer will initiate the alpha onboarding process.
  6. Once approved users will be requested to provide:
  • Email address, Discord ID, and Gamer wallet address

7. User will be directed to a form to register their account.

  • General information entry
  • Review and agree to terms and conditions

8. Upon submitting the form. The user will then be required to communicate the completion of steps mentioned to the CM, as confirmation.

9. The user will then be onboarded into the pilot.

10. Itheum’s data Adaptors will initiate the collection of gamer data for analysis.

  • This data will be attached to the gamer for the purpose of data ownership and trade.

There are limited spots available, so don’t wait around.. register your interest by connecting with our Community Moderators and let’s get you on board. The clock is ticking!

If you are a gaming enthusiast and love the #Web3 Gaming space and how Itheum is looking to transform this extraordinary industry even further, then this program is certainly for you.

About Itheum

Itheum empowers data ownership in the Web3 and Metaverse ecosystems and creates new market value for your data. It enables this by providing “decentralized data brokerage” technology. It’s a suite of tools that enable high-value data to be bridged from web2 to web3 and traded via peer-to-peer sales. It allows for “viral adoption” via our creative “Data NFTs” (provide “inner value” to NFTs and enable royalties / limited supply) and “NFMe ID” technology (a living Metaverse avatar representation of you — wrapped as an NFT and backed by personal data) and our innovative Data Coalition DAOs (which bulk trades your data). It also aims to be fully privacy-preserving, regulation-friendly and cross-chain, making it the most comprehensive core blockchain data infrastructure available in the market with use-cases in both the enterprise and retail space.





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